Prairie View Bible Students
End Times Last Days Topic Index

Bible lessons mostly extracted from over one-thousand
Christian Questions "live" broadcast episodes.

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To learn how to study the Bible, yourself, and
have it make sense, please see Bible Study.

Are you in the Right Church? Pt. 1
Are you in the Right Church? Pt. 2
Are you in the Right Church? Pt. 3

Will all "good" people go to Heaven and everybody else burn for eternity (or for a short while) in
"the other place?" Would a loving God create a place of torture and send people there to roast? Is that
where your non-believer loved one is? What about the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus? What about
the lake of fire? Fire and Brimstone? Judgment Day? Will the earth be destroyed as in "next time by
fire?" Why would God create earth and people only to destroy both? Do people who love Jesus and who go
to church go to Heaven? What about those billions of people born before Christ? What about the billions
from birth to death who never heard the name of Jesus? What about non-Christians? Those from other
religions? Agnostics? Atheists? What about Satan? If he is already in Hell, where is he going for
his punishishment after God destroys him? Who is the god of this world? God? Jesus? The Holy Spirit?
All three in one as the Trinity? Somebody or something else? And what will the people in Heaven do?
Lie around all day resting on comfortable clouds while playing harps and eating grapes as they joyously
look down at their unsaved loved ones burning forever? To learn the answer to these and other perplexing
Christian Questions readily found in the Scriptures, and to learn if God checks His "Naughty or Nice" list
to see whether He promises good gifts of fame, wealth, and prosperity to His disciples, and find out who
gets the good gift of going to Heaven, and to see what good gifts go to those who do not go to Heaven (You
mean they get good gifts while burning? A cup of ice water, perhaps?), please see Heaven Pt. 1 and Heaven Pt. 2.

After you digest those two episodes, go to the study asking, Are Christians Supposed to Convert the World?

Topic Index Last updated September 17, 2023.

End Times Last Days
Does the Bible Tell Us How the World Will End?
What's Going to Happen at the End of the World?
Will the World’s Pain and Suffering Ever End?
What is the End Times Resurrection About? How Does It Work?
Are We Now in the End Times of Prophecy?
Are We in the "Time of the End"? (Part I)
Are We in the "Time of the End"? (Part II)
Are We Living in the "End Times?"
When Do the "End Times" Begin?
What Are the True Reasons for Jesus' Return to Earth?
Could Jesus Return Without You Knowing?
Is Israel a Thorn in the Side of the World?
What Did Jesus Say About Israel?
Israel: God's Chosen or Obsolete?
Should Israel Belong to the Palestinians?
What's Next for Israel in Prophecy? (Part I)
What's Next for Israel in Prophecy? (Part II)
What Did Jesus Say About Israel?
Bible Student Archives: Israel in History and Prophecy
Did the Prophet Daniel See the Future?
Why Do Historians Dislike Daniel So Much?
So, When Does the Rapture Happen?
Middle East Meltdown - The Beginning of the End?
Are Nuclear War and Armageddon Coming Soon?
Armageddon! When and Where?
Is it THE END? Were the Mayans Right?
What Three Steps Will Get Us to Heaven? (Part I)
What Three Steps Will Get Us to Heaven? (Part II)
How Does God Speak to Us Here and Now? (Part I)
How Does God Speak to Us Here and Now? (Part II)
What Does the Bible Say About the ISIS Crisis?
Does the Coronavirus Fit Into God's Plan?
Gospel of Prosperity
Why Aren't You a Wealthy Christian?
Does the Gospel Produce Wealth?
Is the Gospel Your Ticket to Wealth?
Do Tithes and Offerings Belong in Christianity?
Is Christianity a Greedy Religion?"
Do Christians Need Hope in Their Lives?
What Did Jesus Teach Us About Money?
High Morals, High Standards & Christianity - Why Get Married?
Why Buy The Cow When You Can Get The Milk Free?

Is It a Sin if I...? (Part II)
Do I Walk in the Spirit or the Lusts of My Human Nature? (Part I)
Can I Get What I Want Through Seduction?
Have We Become Too Desensitized to Sin?
Marriage... Why Bother?
Is Marriage Really Needed?
What are the Biblical Principles of Marriage?
Should Christians Marry Only Christians?
So, Where Should Our Moral Standards Come From?
Are We SURE Sin is Really Sinful?
What About Divorce?
What Does a Marriage Need to Be Strong?
Are There Biblical Secrets to a Good Marriage?
Can Love Last a Lifetime?
So, How Do You Stay in Love?
Are there Secrets to Staying in Love?
Christian and Single - What Does Life Look Like?
Virtual Sex and Pornography - Does God Care?
How Vital Are My Vows of Marriage?
Has the Marriage Institution Lost Its Luster?
Is Adultery Really That Wrong?
What Do I Say When I Talk to My Spouse?
How Strong Are My Relationships? (Part I)
God's Ordained Marriage Arrangement
versus So-Called Gay & Lesbian Rights

The Gay Marriage Law - How Do We Respond?
Is Marriage Between One Man and One Woman?
Should We Support Gay Marriage?
Can Gay Rights and Christianity Co-Exist?
Is My Gender Your Business?
Does God Approve of Gay Ministers?
Is It a Sin if I...? (Part I)
On Being Politically Correct
Was Jesus Politically Correct?
How Were Politics Part of Jesus' Crucifixion?
Who Gets Elected? - By the Spirit, that is!
Who Will be Elected?
Christianity & Politics
How should a Christian View Politics?
Should Christians Be Politically Motivated?
Who is God's Candidate?
Did Jesus Teach us to Abide by the Law?
Are We Supporting the Right World Leaders?

Seven Bible Student Video Discourses
Conservatism, Liberalism and the Lord's People
Our Brethren
The Gift of God
The Lord is My Shepherd
The Curse of Ham
The Curse of Ham - Does the Bible Support Racism? (Part I)
Africa and It's People in the Old Testament
Africa and It's People in the New Testament Through the Harvest

Bible Hell versus Traditional Christian Hell
Do the Fires of Hell Come From God? (Part I)
Do the Fires of Hell Come From God? (Part II)
Do the Fires of Hell Come From God? (Part III)
Is the Hell of Christian Tradition Taught in the Bible? (Part I)
Is the Hell of Christian Tradition Taught in the Bible? (Part II)
Is the Hell of Christian Tradition Taught in the Bible? (Part III)
Does God Really Torture People in Hellfire?
Did Jesus Teach that there is Fire in Hell?
Is Hell Real?
What About Hell?
How Hot is Hell? (Part I)
Who Ends Up in the "Lake of Fire?"
What is the History of Hellfire?
Does God Torture People in Hell? (Part I)
Should We Be Worried About Witchcraft?
Should We Fear Witchcraft?
How Bad Can White Witchcraft Be?
Why Do We Celebrate Death and Witchcraft?
Are They Dead or Alive?
Can White Witchcraft be Good?
What About Witchcraft?
So, What's the Deal with Wicca?
Can Christianity and Paganism Work Together? (Part II)
Judgment Day
What Really Happens on Judgment Day?
Will Sinners Be Happy on Judgment Day?
Where is the Kingdom Jesus Told Us to Pray For?
Does God Really Forgive Me?
Is Judgment Day Coming THIS Week?
What if I'm Not Good Enough for Heaven?
How do God's Judgments Work?
What Happens on Judgment Day?
Are You a Sheep or a Goat?
God's Three Great Promises - Which One is For You?
Are the Human Soul and Spirit the Same?
Does God Judge Everyone the Same Way?
Will Sinners Be Happy on Judgment Day?
Will I Survive God’s Final Judgment?
Life After Death
What Happens When You Die?
Can Souls "Cross Over" on Halloween?
Are Most People Really "Hellbound?" (Part I)
Are Most People Really "Hellbound?" (Part II)
Where Does Your Soul Go When You Die? (Part I)
Where Does Your Soul Go When You Die? (Part II)
Is Death Real?
Did Jesus and the Thief Go from the Cross to Paradise?
Did Jesus Die for All or Just a Few?
Did Jesus REALLY Die for Everyone?
Did Jesus Die For Atheists?
Who did Jesus die for?
Ghosts, Reincarnation and Humanity – What’s Real? (Part I)
Ghosts, Reincarnation and Humanity – What’s Real? (Part II)
Do People Turn Into Angels When They Die?
Did God Make Heaven and Hell Humanity's Destiny? (Part I)
Did God Make Heaven and Hell Humanity's Destiny? (Part II)
Can the Dead Communicate with Us?

Related Miscellaneous Topics:

Faith Healing
Is NOW the Time for Divine Healing?
Is Christianity a Healing Religion?
Is Faith Healing Real?
Can Christians Heal Disease?
Are Christians Supposed to Be Healed?
Does God Heal the Sick Today?
What about the "Laying on of Hands?"
Should Christians Be Practicing "Laying on of Hands?"
Speaking In Tongues
Why Did the Tongues of Fire Touch the Apostles?
Should Christians Speak in Tongues? -- Broadcast 02/03/2008
Should Christians Speak in Tongues? -- Broadcast 05/24/2015
Being Born Again versus Being Saved
What Does it Mean to be "Born Again"?
Does Being "Born Again" Give You Super Powers?
Are Christians Really Born Again?
What Does it Mean to Be Saved?
Once Saved, Are You Set for Life?
Who Gets Saved?
Can One Who Dies an Unbeliever Still be Saved?
Jesus Died... So, Who Benefits?
How Can I Get the Holy Spirit?
Are Jesus' Ransom and Our Salvation the Same?
The Trinity
Was Jesus God on Earth?
Is Jesus Really God? (Parts I & II)
Is Jesus Really God? (Parts III & IV)
Is the Holy Ghost Really God?
Who or What is the Holy Spirit?
How Does the Holy Spirit Work?
Does the Holy Spirit Speak?
How Can I Get the Holy Spirit?
Do We Have the Purpose of the Holy Spirit Backwards?
Women's Rights
Does the Bible Advocate for Women's Rights?
Are Women as Important as Men?
Does God Treat Women as Second Class Citizens?
Should We Be Gender Neutral? (Part I)
Should We Be Gender Neutral? (Part II)
Is the Bible Behind the Times on #MeToo?
Is Motherhood Still Vital?
Racism and Slavery
Does the Bible Support Racism? (Part I)
Does the Bible Support Racism? (Part II)
Did God Ever Sanction Slavery?
Is Slavery Acceptable to God?
How Should Christians Respond to Racism? (Part I)
How Should Christians Respond to Racism? (Part II)
Why Did God Allow Slavery in the Bible?
How Did the Apostle Paul Handle a Slave Owner?
The Curse of Ham
Africa and It's People in the Old Testament
Africa and It's People in the New Testament and Afterwards
Christian Bigotry
Are You a Prejudiced Christian?
Is God Biased? (Part I)
Is God Biased? (Part II)
Christianity versus Islam
Islam - Christianity - What's the Difference? (Part I)
Islam - Christianity - What's the Difference? (Part II)
Are Muslims and Christians Compatible? (Part I)
Are Muslims and Christians Compatible? (Part II)
Would Jesus and Muhammad Have Agreed?
Is the Same God Behind Islam and Christianity?
What Does the Bible Say About the ISIS Crisis?
Did Jesus Die for Muslims?
Old Testament Vengeful God versus Paganism
How Much of Our Life is Pagan?
Trick or Treat - Really?
Does the Same God Rule in the Old and New Testament? (Part I)
Does the Same God Rule in the Old and New Testament? (Part II)
The Devil and Demons and Why God Permits Evil
Who is Satan?
Does the Devil Really Exist?
Is the Devil Real?
What is Satanism?
Are God and Evil Meant to Coexist?
So, Why Hasn't God Destroyed Evil?
Will the World’s Pain and Suffering Ever End?
Where is God When Tragedy Strikes the Innocent?
Where Does Sin Come From?
How Dangerous are Demons?
How Do Demons Influence Our World?
Are Demons Influencing Your Life?
Are Demons Real?
What About Demons?
Are Evil Spirits and Demons Real?
What Should We Know About the Devil?
Can Zombies Possibly Be Real?
Should You Believe in Ghosts? (Part I)
Is it God's Fault We Have Evil in This World?
Does God REALLY Want Me to Suffer?
Contradictions In The Bible
Contradictions (Part I): Does the Bible Contradict Itself?
Contradictions: (Part II) Does the Bible Contradict Itself?
Contradictions (Part III): Does God Contradict Himself?
Contradictions (Part IV): Why So Many Contradictions Surrounding Jesus’ Resurrection?
Contradictions (Part V): What Profound Secret Does Creation Reveal?
Contradictions (Part VI): Do the Accounts of Jesus’ Life Contradict Themselves?
Does the Apostle Paul Contradict Himself? (Part I): Contradictions Series
Does the Apostle Paul Contradict Himself? (Part II): Contradiction Series
Paul or Matthias: Who Was the Real 12th Apostle? Contradiction Series
Did the Apostle Paul Contradict Jesus? Contradiction Series
Is It Faith or Works That Gets Us to Heaven? (Part I)
Is It Faith or Works That Gets Us to Heaven? (Part II)
Is God REALLY Omnipotent? Contradictions Series
Does God REALLY Require Human Sacrifices? Contradictions Series
Does God Ever Tempt Us? Contradictions Series
What Will We Be Doing When We Get to Heaven? (Part I)
What Will We Be Doing When We Get to Heaven? (Part II)
What Will We Be Doing When We Get to Heaven? (Part III)
Easy To Understand Kingdom Blessing Bible Studies
What Can We Learn From the Miracle Worker?
Is Loving God Enough?
Did God Create or Did WE Evolve?
Is God Really the Creator?
Has the Bible Been Mistranslated and Misunderstood? (Part I)
Has the Bible Been Mistranslated and Misunderstood? (Part II)
Has the Bible Been Mistranslated and Misunderstood? (Part III)
Has the Bible Been Mistranslated and Misunderstood (Part IV)
Has the Bible Been Mistranslated and Misunderstood? (Part V)
Is It Faith or Works That Gets Us to Heaven? (Part I)
Is It Faith or Works That Gets Us to Heaven? (Part II)
How Did Jesus' Resurrection Change Both Heaven and Earth?
Are My Christian Beliefs Based on Truth or Error?
Are There Secrets to Studying the Bible?
How Many Resurrections Will There Be?
Why Aren't My Prayers Being Answered?

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